Bye Bye Sephora ??

Sephora is currently having a huge sale. I just had to get my hands on this €5 sale. Which is normally €10. Why is this you ask. Well  sephora will no longer be located in the Netherlands. One of the workers at sephora told me this after asking for a certain product that was out of stock. She just basically said get what you can get now because you wouldn't be able to get these products anymore after they are sold out. They won't be restocked!   

Sephora will be available in other countries in Europe, but unfortunately not in the Netherlands :( . All the Sephora's in the Netherlands will be replaced by a ICI Paris.                                                                                                           

I'm not sure when the switch will happen, but hopefully they have a change of mind and heart and decide to keep Sephora here in the Netherlands.

What are your thoughts about sephora leaving. Were you a fan or are you screaming hallelujah the witch is dead!

This entry was posted on Monday, April 15, 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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